Monday, July 1, 2013

Honor Your Father and Mother

"Honor your father and mother." (Deuteronomy 5:16)

This commandment can be really hard for some.  But, we are called to honor our fathers and mothers.  Without them, we would not have life.  Without them, we would not be the unique human beings that we are today.

No matter what their faults and issues may be, our parents loved us into existence and with their limited ability they cared for us.  No earthly parents are perfect.  They all make mistakes.  They all fail in some way.  But, they try with their inabilities to do their best where they are with what they have.  No matter their shortcomings they love us.

Our Father and our Mother in heaven love perfectly.  They too must be honored and loved.  They provide every good thing that we need.  Their perfect love more than compensates for our earthly parents' faults.  When we need reassurance, love or guidance let's turn to them.  Their love surpasses all understanding and they will never disappoint us.  


Dear Lord, help me to be more loving towards my parents.  Help me to honor them at all times.  They are Your gift to me as I am Your gift to them.    I love You Lord.  Help me to love You more each day.  Open my heart to love the Blessed Mother more each day as well.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

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