Thursday, July 25, 2013


"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (Psalm 53:2)

I believe that God exists.  If God id not exist, how would we explain creation from it's inception?  How would we explain the ordering of nature?  How would we explain love and every other emotion man is capable of experiencing?  How would we explain that there are things we just cannot comprehend?  How would we explain miracles, faith, and grace?  How would we explain the innate need to reach out to something greater than ourselves, a higher power?

God gives us all the gift of free will.  We can choose to believe or not believe.  Either we choose to embrace the gift of faith or not.  It is that simple.
God gives everyone the ability to believe.  He gives each person countless opportunities to experience His love and presence.  He desires for all creation to know Him and praise Him, to embrace Him and glorify Him.

God does not force faith upon anyone.  He leaves each person free to choose to acknowledge Him, turn to Him, embrace Him, and grow to know and love Him.  He waits patiently always giving opportunities for acknowledgment of His existence and infinite love.


Lord, I thank You for the gift of faith.  I thank You for Your love for me. I thank You for all that You have created.  May I always walk in Your love.  Amen.

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