Saturday, July 27, 2013

Redeemed and Called

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)

God has indeed called each one of us by name and will continue to invite all people to enter into the fullness of His love.  We are His beloved children.

Jesus came for all.  He came to bring life, light and love to all mankind.  He loves everyone and wishes to be loved by all.  He gave Himself over for love of us.  He suffered, died, and rose for love of all of us. There is no soul for whom He did not sacrifice Himself.  He gave Himself for all.

We need not fear.  Jesus has indeed redeemed us.  In His infinite mercy Jesus has forgiven our every sin.  In His love He has called each of us to Himself.  He loves us and desires for us to walk as one body, one Spirit in Him.  To do so means that we walk in faith, hope, love and joy.  Faith In God, hope in all He has promised, love for ourselves and others, and joy that we have been forgiven and set free. Let us walk as one body doing God's will through the power of His Spirit.


Lord, thank You for redeeming me.  Thank You for calling me into the fullness of Your love. Thank You for blessing me with peace, hope and joy.  I love You.  Amen.

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