Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Wise Child

"A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother." (Proverbs 10:1)

A child who lives a life centered in God brings great joy to his earthly father as well as his heavenly Father.  But a child who is foolish and lives only according to the flesh brings sorrow to his earthly mother and his heavenly Mother.

It is far better to live a life of love centered on doing the will of God than one in which you only chase after earthly treasure and human acceptance.  When you live according to God's will you have clarity, understanding and wisdom. When you live according to the flesh you have more anxiety, concerns, and difficulties.  You may gain acceptance and riches but they are short lived. They do not last forever as heavenly riches do.

Seek heaven in all that you do and be pleasing to your heavenly Mother and Father and bring joy to your earthly mother and father.


Heavenly Father, help me be a wise child and seek to do Your will as well as pursue those things You desire for me to accomplish in the world.  I wish to bring joy to You and to my heavenly Mother as well as my earthly parents.  Thank You for Your love and care.  Amen.

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