Friday, July 12, 2013


"Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." (Hebrews 2:18)

Jesus knows the pain of temptation.  He knows the struggle to choose love.  He knows how we question what is the right thing to do.  He was tempted and He knows well the torment that comes with temptation.

But Jesus have overcome every temptation.  He has redeemed us and set us apart.  We have been called to walk in His love with the wisdom of His Spirit guiding us and He has given us angels to guard and protect us from evil.

We need not struggle when we are tempted.  Instead, let's offer the temptation to Jesus as a precious gift for souls in need so that He can fill us with the conviction of His Spirit and draw us to Himself and away from harm.  When we do this He will bless us with wisdom and understanding so that we can stand strong in grace and not fall into sin.

Should we fall into sin, Jesus' love and forgiveness await us.  Let's not be further tempted to turn away from Him.  Instead, let us turn to Him so He can bless us with His mercy and forgiveness because He loves us.

Jesus knows every way in which Satan will try to tempt us.  Know that Satan has no power over us.  May we keep our eyes on Jesus when we are tempted and trust that He will keep us safe from all harm.  


Lord, thank You for redeeming me.  Thank You for blessing me with the strength and wisdom of Your Spirit.  Thank You for Your love and mercy.  When I am tempted, help me to turn to You and find safety for You have overcome all evil.  Amen.

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