Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God Provides

"Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on." (Luke 12:22)

Do not be anxious about anything.  Anxiety is of the flesh and when we are anxious we are moving in the flesh not in the Spirit.  

God's love is greater than any need we have.  He knows what we need before we do and provides everything we need so that we can be at peace and have joy.  He provides us with every material, relational, and spiritual gift.  There is nothing we will need if we walk in the fullness of God's love.  

All material, spiritual and relational aspects of our lives  fall into their correct place when we allow God to provide for us and do our part to cooperate with Him.  If we place God first every good thing will be ours. How could it not?  God loves us.


Lord, help me to trust that You will provide for my every material, spiritual, and relational need.  I believe You know what I need and what is best for me.  Help me to cooperate with You and move in Your Spirit.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

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