Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do not be Distressed

Do not allow yourself to be distressed.  Torment of heart and mind are not from God.  Do not allow yourself to be disturbed by the evil one.  His greatest desire is to have you take your eyes off of God and place them on the yourself, the world and its problems and in so doing lose your peace.  He wants to upset you and draw you further and further away from God.  He will try to convince you that you have no hope and that there is no way out of your distress.  But he is a liar and a cheat.   The truth is that Jesus is is the Way and He is your peace.  He loves you and wants you to rest in the fullness of His love when you are distressed.  He doesn't want you feel anxious or upset.  He wants you to place your worries in His hands and allow Him to take them from you and bless you with His peace.

If you have been rebellious know that God loves you and desires to pour out His mercy upon you and forgive your every sin.  Turn to Him and find freedom, grace and calm.  Do not be disturbed.  God is with you always and knows all.  You cannot hide from Him.  In your weakness and brokenness He loves you.  Turn to Him and be at peace.  Reconcile yourself to Him and Satan will flee from you.  Trust in God's love and mercy and rest in Him.  He loves you.


Lord, I give You all that disturbs me, all that upsets me.  Bless me with Your peace and help me to always trust in Your love for me.  Amen.

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