Saturday, July 20, 2013

Be Generous

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:25)

Those who give generously without counting the cost do prosper.  By being generous with their love, time, talents, and riches they bring blessings upon themselves and those they love.  By freely giving with love they open themselves to the fullness of God's generosity.  In God's love they shall have all they need and then some.  They shall want for nothing.

Being a blessing to others is a way to share in God's goodness and love.  Let's always give, always love and embrace fully the abundant blessings God bestows upon us.  


Lord, may I be someone who gives freely of my time, talents, love and riches.  I want to be a blessing to others.  I want to be a gift of Your love at all times.  Thank You for all You give to me. Amen.

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