Friday, July 5, 2013

Guilt and Reconciliation

"My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear." (Psalm 38:4)

There is no need for us to ever be overwhelmed with guilt.  Guilt is a gift and should not be a burden, but a clear indicator that we need to seek God's mercy, healing, and forgiveness.  Guilt allows our hearts and minds to recognize when we have sinned or turned away from God's will for us.  It is the Holy Spirit within us leading us to acknowledge our sinfulness or obstinance and guiding us back to Himself through admission and confession.  

God loves us and never wishes for us to be burdened by guilt.  If we are burdened by guilt, Satan is toying with us and seeking to keep us separated from God's mercy and love.  When we feel guilt, let's examine our consciences and acknowledge the areas of our lives we need to submit to God in Reconciliation.  God loves us and desires for us to have peace.  If we acknowledge our sins and turn to God in Reconciliation He can take the burden of guilt away from us, cleanse our souls, and fill our hearts and minds with His healing, forgiveness and peace.  


Lord, thank You for the ability to feel guilt.  May it help me to recognize my sinfulness and direct me to You in Reconciliation where I can experience Your love, healing and forgiveness.  Amen.

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