Monday, July 8, 2013


"The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy." (Proverbs 12:22)

The Lord often prompts us before we lie to stop and choose honesty.  But all too frequently we ignore His Spirit within us guiding us to honesty and we choose to deceive and be deceived.  

The choice to lie is never a good one.  The choice to lie leads to more lies and in the process the soul loses clarity and peace.  

We should never lie.  We should never allow the king of lies to convince us that choosing to lie is our best option.  It never is.  Lying harms us and others.  It only brings guilt and shame. 

Let's choose to be honest no matter the consequences.  Honesty may be a difficult choice at times, but it is always the loving choice.


Lord, thank You for sending Your Spirit to lead me to honesty at all times.  May I seek Your guidance before I speak so that what I say is loving and honest.  Amen.

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