Saturday, June 29, 2013

Turn to God

"Return to me, and I will return to you", says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 3:7)

God always calls to us.  He always blesses and loves us.  He desires for every heart and soul to know the depth and breadth of His love for them.  God pursues those encumbered by sin, chasing after them and pouring forth His mercy upon them.  He constantly prompts them to stop and acknowledge His presence within them.  Some return to Him faithfully.  Some continue to turn away believing what they will.  And others have yet to learn of Him and His love for them.  
We should be beacons of love and hope, working diligently for the salvation of souls.  All that we offer God benefits the souls He is pursuing.  If we offer Him all that we are, all that we do, all that we suffer He will bless our offerings and use them to benefit the souls in need.

If we only knew how much God loves us.  He does not condemn us for our thoughts or actions.  Instead, He loves us in our brokenness and calls us back into the fullness of His love.  He abandons no one.  All of us are precious to Him and He desires for each one of us to know the fullness of His forgiveness, mercy, and love.  God wants all of His people to know Him, live in Him, and embrace His love for them.  He is never far from us.  He lives and moves and has My being within each Baptized soul.  His Spirit moves within us, prompting us to do that which is right and just, to turn from sin and back to grace.  

God loves everyone - even the most hardened soul.  He wishes for none to be lost.  We need to pray for all souls, be a blessing to everyone we encounter, and allow God's love to be evident in the way we live our lives so that others are drawn to Him and to His love.  


Lord, I wish for all souls to turn to You and know Your love.  Accept all that I offer to You for the souls in most need.  Thank You for always loving me and guiding me in Your Spirit.  Amen.

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