Saturday, June 8, 2013

No Perversity

“Keep your mouth free of perversity, keep corrupt talk far from your lips.”(Proverbs 4:24)
So many of us use profane language, and frequently.  It is habitual.  It comes from what is stored in our hearts and minds.  We need to rid our hearts and minds of perverse language and choose words that are life-giving, that are a blessing to ourselves and others.  
If we offer our temptations to speak profanely to Jesus, He will pour out His Spirit upon us, strengthen us, and lead us to holy words.  And if we should you fall - we should immediately seek His forgiveness and forgive ourselves.  We shouldn’t allow Satan to play games with our hearts and minds.  If we bring the habit of cussing to Jesus in Reconciliation He will bless us with His full forgiveness and fill us with the grace and strength we need to break the habit.  
The habit of using foul language can be broken but it takes effort and commitment. In time we will find we curse less and less until it’s a past habit that no longer defiles us.  Jesus’ grace and strength are what we need.  So let us embrace them and allow Jesus’ Spirit to fill us with words that edify and bring peace.  May we allow the sacrament of Reconciliation to be a place of healing and transformation for us. 
Lord, I wish to rid myself of the habit of cussing.  Help me turn to You before I speak and bless me with words that are right and good.  Help me to use my words for Your honor and glory.  Amen.

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