Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be Wise

“Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.” (Proverbs 12:16)
It is true that the foolish show their annoyance at the smallest things immediately.  They make known their displeasure and judge.  They can condemn others quickly and without thought.  Their annoyance becomes anger and frustration which forms a vicious cycle. 
The wise man does not judge or condemn.  The wise man does not allow his peace to be disturbed.  Petty annoyances are not a source of anger or frustration.  When insulted and attacked the wise man turns his mind and heart to God and finds the courage and strength to bear all patiently with love and peace.  He unites His suffering to Jesus’ for the benefit of souls.
May we be like the wise man and give every annoyance, every petty problem or insult to God and allow Him to bless us with His peace. 
Jesus, help me to be wise and not be annoyed easily.  Help me to take everything that annoys me and offer it to You for an increase in patience and wisdom and for the soul in most need of Your mercy.  Bless me with Your peace.  Amen.

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