Monday, June 24, 2013

Love and Mercy

“God, have mercy on me a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)
Jesus’ love and mercy are greater than any sin we could ever commit.  His love compelled Him to forgive every sin that would ever be committed. His mercy compels Him to wash every sinner who seeks His forgiveness clean.  
No one deserves Jesus’ love or mercy, but He gives both to every soul who seeks Him.  It is His love that pursues every sinner relentlessly.  Jesus wishes to draw all people into His love and He pursues all souls pouring out His mercy on them until they recognize His love for them.  He wishes to lose no one to the evil one.
We need to realize that everyone who calls upon Jesus for mercy is helped - no one is left unaided.  Jesus pours forth His mercy freely and abundantly.  He died in an act of love and mercy and now lives to bless with His love and mercy for all eternity.  Allow His love and mercy to wash over you and fill you with peace and joy.
Merciful Jesus, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for dying for the forgiveness of my sins.  Thank You for pouring Your love and mercy out on me.  Fill me with Your peace and joy.  Amen.

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