Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Be Merciful

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)
Jesus constantly pours out His mercy upon us.  His love for us is so great we cannot fathom it.  His love and mercy are deeper and wider than any ocean we can imagine.  Love and mercy flow unceasingly in waves from His pierced Heart upon all of us, we just don’t realize it.  Were we to really know how much mercy Jesus shows us the more mercy we would be compelled to show towards others.  The amazing thing is that the more mercy we have upon one another the more abundantly God blesses us with His mercy.  
When we show mercy towards one another it is actually Jesus’ mercy that flows forth from us and touches all involved.  One of the best times to ask Jesus to pour forth His mercy upon souls is when the chalice is raised during consecration.  Countless souls are blessed at that time.  May we realize what a blessing praying for God’s mercy is at consecration and ask for mercy for those in most need of God’s mercy every time we attend Mass.  
Jesus of Mercy, have mercy on me and on the souls in most need of Your mercy.  Help me to be a blessing of Your love and mercy to all I encounter.  Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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