Sunday, June 30, 2013

God has Done Great Things

"Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24)

God has indeed done great things for us.  He has given us life, loved ones, gifts and talents, His love and mercy, His very life.  God has given us everything out of His love for us.

All He asks of us in return is to be faithful to Him, to His teachings, to His Church.  We need not fear Him, instead we should fear being separated from Him by sin.  Sin darkens our souls and muddles our minds so that we cannot ascertain God's will for us.  When our souls are doused in sin they cannot recognize God's love and presence as easily as when they are pure from sin.

May we remain as pure as we can so that we can recognize God when He calls to us, trust in Him fully, and know that He will always be faithful to loving us all the days of our lives.


Lord, You have given me everything that I need.  Thank You for Your love, forgiveness and mercy.  Thank You for my loved ones and for every gift You have given me.  Help me to be pure so that I can hear You when You call to me and do as You will.  Amen.

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