Thursday, June 27, 2013

God’s Grace

“My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Sometimes we try to live our lives outside grace.  We want peace and joy but find ourselves anxious and disturbed.  We struggle to find our way but everything is difficult for us.  We try to do all on our own without inviting God into our lives.  Life becomes a constant struggle as we place others and our work before God.Outside God’s grace we flounder.
If we only realized that when we are weakest God is strongest we would seek to be weak and small in His sight.  It is in our weakness that God moves in power and might.  It is precisely at our weakest moment that God is there to bless us with His love and mercy, to fill us with His grace.
God’s grace is truly all we need.  His grace directs and perfects us.  His grace leads us to His love and the fullness of His mercy.  God’s grace blesses us with the power of His Spirit.  God’s grace strengthens and fortifies us with courage.God’s grace fills us with every good gift.  His grace is all we need to have peace and joy.  May we live in God’s grace.
Dear Lord, I wish to walk always in Your grace.  Send Your Spirit upon me to remind me to place everything I attempt in Your hands.  Outside You I can do nothing, but in Your grace I am strong and able.  Help me to turn to You when I am weak so that Your strength may be manifest in me.  Amen.

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