Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father’s Love

“See what love God has given us; that we should be called children of God.”(1 John 3:1)
We are God’s children.  He has claimed us through Baptism and established His dwelling place within us.  He has known and loved us since the creation of time.  God, the Father, knew us before we were born into this world.  He adopted us as His sons and daughters and carries us within His heart.  He loves us.  That is unfathomable but our Father asks us to believe in His complete love for us.  He blesses us continually with His love and wants us to rest in His love and kindness.  His heart rejoices when we know with all certainty in our hearts, minds and souls that He loves us beyond all measure.  May we rest in the knowledge that we are His precious children and have peace in our hearts, minds and souls.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me as Your child.  May I always turn to You when I need a Father’s love and understanding.  May I rest in Your presence and be at peace.  I love You.  Amen.

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