Wednesday, June 5, 2013


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
I believe that when we go to confess our sins we are called to enter the sacrament with quiet, humble hearts because it is Jesus we are encountering through the priest.  The priest’s ears are Christ’s, His eyes are Christ’s, and His words are Christ’s that have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.  
In Reconciliation, we should truly humble ourselves and allow our hearts, minds and souls to be cleansed of every sin we have committed.   We should confess all, keeping nothing hidden, so that through absolution we can receive the fullness of God’s forgiving love and grace.  For when we walk in purity and grace, God’s love radiates out from us and others are drawn to God.  
Let’s frequent the great sacrament of Reconciliation so that we can be more closely united with Christ and so He can move with power and majesty in our lives.  
Dear Lord, I ask for the desire to frequent Reconciliation with a humble and quiet heart.  Help me to realize it is You I encounter in this sacrament.  Help me to open my heart and confess all my sins so that I can receive Your forgiveness.  Thank You, for Your love.  Amen.

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