Monday, May 6, 2013

Guilt, Good and Bad

“You, God, know my folly; my guilt is not hidden from you.” (Psalm 69:5 NIV)
Guilt can be a good thing and it can be crippling it’s all in how we look at it. It’s purpose is to let us know when we have done something wrong or sinful so that we can examine our conscience and behavior and not repeat mistakes. When it’s healthy it helps us change our behavior as soon as possible, make amends where necessary, and become better people.  But when it is inappropriate it can cause all kinds of problems - low self-esteem, relationship problems (both human and spiritual), excessive worry or anxiety, and self-blame and battering. This inappropriate guilt is what Satan would like us all to have when we make mistakes or commit sins.  He would like nothing more than to take our eyes off of God and have us keep them on ourselves in fear and self-loathing.  Satan would love for us to think we are so bad that God cannot possibly forgive us.  Recognize that for what it is - a lie from the king of lies. 
God knows all our sins and loves us regardless of what we have done.  That doesn’t give us a free pass to sin.  We are still called to live as holy and obedient a life as we can.  But, when we sin, a repentant heart is what God desires.  If we humbly acknowledge our sins before God, He in His infinite mercy will forgive every sin and with great love embrace us and remember our sins no more.  
So why do we sometimes wallow in guilt over bad decisions and sins?  That’s a fruitless endeavor.  See it for what it is. Jesus did not die for us to obsess about guilt over sinfulness.  He died to grant forgiveness for our sins and eternal salvation.  He sent His Holy Spirit to illuminate all areas of our lives and help us to make good and right choices. God gave us a conscience and an angel guardian to guide us in our decision making, to help us question our motives and ultimately choose to do those things that will help us walk in unison with God’s will for our lives.  
So let’s embrace heathy guilt, see our mistakes and sins for what they are, humbly confess our sins when necessary, make the changes we need to make so that we can walk in unison with God, and embrace God’s love for us since we have been forgiven.  Remember the truth - God embraces you just the way you are, imperfect and sinful, because you are His beloved child.

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