Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hello - I have decided to focus all my attention on my tumblr blog.  Please check it out.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jesus Came for Sinners

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”  (Mark 2:17)

Jesus came to call all people to His Father.  None are without sin.  Everyone sins.  It's just that the righteous choose to live their lives in obedience to God’s will and seek to walk in grace.  They sin, but they are aware of the immensity of Jesus' love and the depth of His mercy and seek Him regularly through prayer and forgiveness.

The unrighteous may have known Jesus' love at some point but they have chosen sinful lives over lives of virtue and grace.  They choose to walk in darkness.  They are precisely the ones Jesus pursues tirelessly with His love, mercy and forgiveness.

We should pray for all those who are far from God and love them no matter what they have said or done.  At some point we may have been the ones who were far from God and afraid that we were too sinful for His love and forgiveness.  We may have been the ones living immersed in sin.  We may now choose grace and virtue, but that may not have always been the case.

Jesus calls us to be loving and forgiving of ourselves and others, to lead people to Him through our prayers and actions.  If we let His presence within us shine brightly, maybe others will be drawn to Him.  If we let the Holy Spirit move within us maybe those who encounter us will question some of their choices and begin to seek grace.  Maybe, just maybe, they will see Jesus within us if we love unconditionally and be drawn back into the fullness of His love.  May we be His instruments of love.


Jesus, I know You came for all sinners and I am so grateful for Your mercy, love and forgiveness. May those who are far from You choose to turn to You and seek Your forgiveness and healing love.  May they choose virtue over vice and become Your living presence in the world.  Amen.