Friday, May 31, 2013

Excerpt from A Healing Rosary - Coming Soon

The Second Joyful Mystery - The Visitation

Traditionally associated with this mystery is the virtue of charity. 
Charity has two parts, love of God and love of man.  It begins with allowing ourselves to be loved by God Our Father as His children and by Jesus as His brothers and sisters.  It then manifests itself in outward displays of love for others just as God has loved us.  When we act in charity towards another there is no desire for reciprocity or reward.  The act is done as if it is being done by God, through us, towards Himself in others.  We are transparent and God’s love flows through us to Himself in others.  As God gives selflessly to us we choose by charity to selflessly give to others.  At times this will require sacrifice.  But isn’t this exactly the kind of love we are called to in Christ, a sacrificial love that removes all reward for us and implies that we desire what is best for another above ourselves? 
Charity is not always giving to others.  It is also allowing others the joy of giving to us, humbly accepting what others wish to do for us.  It is also loving ourselves as God loves us, completely.
When a family member, friend or even a stranger approached you asking for help, did you help?  Did you feel taken advantage of or were you upset by their asking?  Did you question whether they really needed your help or judge them? 
When you sought help from a relative or friend did you receive the love, financial support, food or shelter you needed?  Were you turned away?  When denied help, did you feel rejected, humiliated, unimportant, or without value?
When others have seen a need and have desired to give to you, have you humbly accepted their help or rejected it? 
Picture the Lord standing in front of you, saying, “You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you.” (Isaiah 43:4)  Look into His eyes, filled with love and compassion, and feel the love He has for you.
Now picture with you those people to whom you did not show true charity.  As you look at each person, he or she changes into an image of Jesus.  You realize that by helping them you would have shown charity towards Jesus.  Look each one in the eyes and ask their forgiveness.  As each one extends forgiveness to you embrace that forgiveness and feel it’s healing warmth.  Feel God’s love enveloping you, blessing you. 
In this moment picture in your mind anyone from whom you sought help emotionally, financially, and/or physically who refused to help you.  Look into their eyes, and without judging them, tell them how they hurt you, upset you or made you feel worthless when you most needed their help.  Hear them say, “I’m sorry.”  Accept their apology and tell them you forgive them. 
See God’s light filling the area you are standing in.  Allow that light to fill your heart, mind, body and soul.  Thank the Lord for giving you the grace to forgive and let go.  Thank Him for presenting you with opportunities to love others as you love Him.  Thank Him for the times when others have loved and helped you.  Open your heart and receive with joy all that God desires to give you at this very moment.  Feel His love permeate your soul, His peace fill you to overflowing.  “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 106:1)

Thursday, May 30, 2013


"For by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8)

Faith is believing in, trusting, and having complete confidence in God.  It is a firm conviction deep within the heart, mind, and soul that propels you towards union with God.  

Faith is a grace freely given by God to anyone who chooses to embrace it.  We can do nothing to earn faith.  It is freely given and is to be freely received.  We should not boast that we have faith, instead we should praise God and thank Him that we were open to accepting His gift of faith.  

We can do works that strengthen our faith: our belief that God loves us; our understanding that God wills for us to obey His commands; our belief in His Son, Jesus, and our dedication to following His teachings; and, our acceptance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  And these works will help us become closer to the Lord and be His presence in the world.

God wants us to rely upon Him like small children rely upon their parents for everything they need.  He wants us to trust in Him and confidently believe that He will fulfill all His promises to us.  May we be like little children, reaching out to our loving Father for His tender embrace.  And, may we rest in the conviction that we are loved, cared for, and redeemed.


Thank You, Father for the gift of faith.  May it grow within me each day.   May my faith in You be reflected in my words and actions and may others be drawn to You through me.  Amen.

Having been redeemed by Jesus Christ, we become Her children and the brothers of her divine Son. Thus, by becoming Mother of Jesus, true God and true man, she also becomes our Mother.
St. John Bosco

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


“Be completely humble and gentle: be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2)
Society teaches us to compete, to be the best, to place ourselves first.  Many believe it’s okay to do whatever you want or need to get ahead in the world.  But as Christians we are called to think of ourselves less and others more - to desire what’s best for others, what will bring them and us closer to God.  If we humble ourselves and act out of love we will by our actions lead others to the love of God.  Our patience, humility and gentleness will be a direct reflection of God’s love and draw souls to Him.
O Holy Spirit, bless me and fill me with your presence.  Help me to be patient, humble and gentle.  May I always draw others to God by my actions.  Amen.

Mary remains ever the path that leads to Christ. Every encounter with her can only result in an encounter with Christ Himself.
Pope Paul VI

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”  (Romans 12:12)
When all is going well in our lives we are hope-filled, joyful and patient.  But when hardships arise our joy can be depleted, our patience tested, and we can find ourselves having gone through an entire day without praying. Loss of patience and joy will lead us to hopelessness and despair.  That is exactly what Satan wants.  But we do not belong to Satan.  We belong to Jesus Christ Who has crushed and defeated Satan for us.  When we are troubled, ill or suffering in any way let us turn our eyes to Jesus, cry out to Him with confidence in prayer, and embrace His Spirit of love and hope.  United to Christ we can patiently endure anything we encounter because we know we have victory in Him.

Ask Mary for the grace to love our Lord as she loves Him and to remain faithful to Him in life and in death.
St. Bernadette

Monday, May 27, 2013

God's Spirit

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but power, love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
God has sent His Spirit to fill our spirit with power, love and self-control.  There is no fear in God.  He is love itself.  In His perfection He wills that our spirits be strengthened and fortified with His Spirit.  No matter what we face in life we can be sure that we will have all the grace and strength we need to face it with dignity and self-control.  We need not fear or get anxious and distressed over life’s circumstances.  Instead we should pray and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us.  The Holy Spirit is with us always - blessing us and leading us to the Father and His will for our lives.  Let us be courageous, fearless and strong in the Holy Spirit Who loves us.

Jesus is my only hope, and after Jesus, Mary.
St. Alphonsus Liguori

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Compassion and Forgiveness

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
We can be understanding and kind when those we love and care for are hurt or upset, but when they do things that cause us anxiety, annoyance, hardship or pain we can be unforgiving.  But we are called to be kind and compassionate always - with those we love and care for, as well as, with our enemies.  We are called to be God’s presence in the world for all we encounter.  It doesn’t matter whether we like someone or not or how they treat us or our love ones.  What matters is our response to others.  God is all forgiving and compassionate.  It is our job to be understanding and forgiving in every circumstance and with every person just as God is with us.

Let us call upon the Virgin Mary, the Mother and model of all Christians.
Pope Francis

Saturday, May 25, 2013


"I do believe: help my unbelief." (Mark 9:24)

Do I really believe that God can do anything?  Do I believe He can heal the sick, transform lives, and raise the dead to new life?  Do I believe all that He has promised me - in the forgiveness of my sins, in His providence, in salvation, and in eternal life?

I say, "Yes, but..."  Is that because I am doubting God's word and His power or is it because my mind cannot fathom the totality of God's power and might?  I think it is my limiting God with my finite and human understanding of His infinite divinity.  I know God works miracles every day.  I know that He is all powerful and mighty.  I need to believe that with all my heart, mind and soul because if I truly believe God will work in amazing and powerful ways in my life and in the lives of those I love. 

Thou, O Mary, art so dear to God that He always graciously listens to thee.
St. Alphonsus Liguori

Friday, May 24, 2013


Mary is our mother, and desires our salvation more than we desire it ourselves.
St. Alphonsus Liguori

To God be the Glory

“For from him and through him and for him are all things.  To him be the glory forever!  Amen.”  (Romans 11:36)
Truly all good things come from God.  Everything we have and everything we are is given to us by God for His honor and glory.  We exist because He chose to breathe us into existence.  God made us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this life so that we could hopefully one day be with Him, adoring and praising Him forever in heaven.  May all that we do now give Him honor and glory so that we can glorify Him with all the angels and saints forever in heaven.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jesus' Love

“Christ Jesus is the one who died - more than that, who was raised - who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34 ESV)
How blessed we are that our God would die a gruesome death for the forgiveness of our sins, rise from the dead for our salvation, and constantly intercede for us before Our Father in heaven.   Jesus never leaves us alone - not even for one second.  He is always with us, blessing us and leading us with His Spirit to the will of Our Father. He is pouring out His mercy and love all we have to do is open to receive it.  Would that we were as faithful to Him as He is to us.  May He be praised forever!

Mary lives only in Christ and for Christ!
Blessed Pope John Paul II


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV) 
Praise be to God our loving Father indeed!  He comes immediately to our aid when we call upon Him in prayer.  He pours out every grace we need through the power of His Holy Spirit.  He encourages and strengthen us as we experience the troubles of this life.  He carries us in His loving arms and fills us with His tender love and compassion, His peace and joy.  It is this love and compassion that we share with others who are experiencing difficulty.  It is His mercy that flows forth from us blessing others.  May we constantly be a source of hope, love, compassion and comfort for others as God the Father is for us.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No Partiality

“For God shows no partiality.” (Romans 2:11 ESV)
God does not love any child more than another.  He loves all of His children equally.  He loves each and every one as a unique soul created in His image and likeness.  He loves each and every one as a loving Father who wishes the best for His children.  He gives to each everything that is needed to live a life full of hope and joy.  He blesses every person with the fullness of His love and wants each one to experience His deep and abiding love for them.  He is a tender, loving Father who wants all of His children to know Him and love Him in a profoundly personal way.  God is love and His love for each person is perfect and complete.  He shows no partiality.  He simply loves all.

Prayer for Tornado Victims

Heavenly Father, we ask that you hold those who affected by devastating tornadoes in Your loving arms.  Lord Jesus, bless them with Your love and healing as they deal with loss.  Oh Holy Spirit descend upon them and fill them with all the courage and strength they need in the days to come.  Lord, aid their recovery and send the help they need to be fully restored.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

Monday, May 20, 2013

We never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour His Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to honour Him all the more perfectly. We go to her as a way to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son.
St. Louis de Montfort

Japanese Madonnas

Give Freely

“Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”  (Matthew 5:42 NIV)
I believe we are to give freely of what has been given to us.  We should give as if giving to Jesus without counting the cost or expecting a return.  If what is borrowed comes back we can give thanks.  If it does not we can give thanks because we were in a position to share.
Being in a position to give, even a small amount, is a blessing.  Everything we have is from above and has been freely given to us so we should share it, bless with it, be free with it because God will not be outdone in generosity.
When we are asked to give, we shouldn’t judge the one seeking help.  We shouldn’t turn away even if we know with certainty that what we will give a borrower will be lost forever.  We should simply give with love to Jesus and He will in His time and in His way bless us.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sharing and Glorifying God

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart, I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” (Psalm 9:1 NIV)
Why is it hard sometimes for us to tell of all the wondrous deeds God has done for us?  We question if telling is boasting.  But I think it’s not.  When we share with others how God’s love has touched our hearts, how His forgiveness has healed our souls and minds, when we share how God has blessed us with loved ones we give Him honor and glory. 
We shouldn’t hesitate to share how God has touched us, healed us, loved you and blessed us.  We never know how others will react or respond, but that isn’t really our concern.  They may be bothered, they may be touched, that is for God to know.  If we give thanks and praise in a way that does not cause discomfort to others but moves them we have honored and glorified God.  If we share with grateful hearts of love we will be blessed when we least expect it.  We need to stop hesitating and start sharing when and where appropriate.  If we pray before we share, the Holy Spirit will guide our words and they will bring blessing and encouragement.  So let’s share, give thanks, and praise God when the Spirit moves us to do so.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The ultimate purpose of devotion to the Blessed Virgin is to glorify God and to lead Christians to commit themselves to a life which is in absolute conformity with His will.
Pope Paul VI

Suffering and Hope of Glory

“For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18 ESV)
There is no doubt that there is much suffering in the world - mental anguish, physical pain, heartbreak, darkness of the soul.  The list could go on and on.  The thing to remember in times of suffering is that God is with us through it all.  He never abandons us or leaves us without the grace and strength to endure patiently and with grace.  God, in His infinite mercy, sends His Spirit to guide us through turmoil and pain in a way that will allow us to join our suffering to His for the redemption of souls.
Many people pray for their pain to end and struggle through it without seeking God’s help to endure whatever they must with courage.  Some people wallow in their pain neither seeking relief nor the strength to bear their pain.  Others pray for healing and God in His infinite wisdom grants them healing.  And still others offer their pain to God for their own salvation and the salvation of those in most need of God’s mercy - they enter into redemptive suffering.   
I believe that when God sees us suffering He wishes to ease our burden and give us rest for our souls.  Jesus knows better than anyone pain, anguish, and suffering.  Who better to seek help from?
Every time we receive Jesus in Eucharist He blesses us with His healing presence.  We do not realize the power of His Eucharistic presence within us to touch, bless, and heal.  If we realized and embraced His healing presence within us He could move more powerfully within us.  God can only give what a soul is willing to accept.  If a soul does not wish to accept His healing love or does not open itself to His healing power He is only able to do what that soul allows.  He will not impose Himself on a soul because every soul has free will and He will abide by each soul’s choice. 
The greatest healing God can offer us is complete union with Him in heaven.  Remember this is our ultimate goal no matter what anguish we may face in this life.  Eternal union with Jesus, Our Father and Their Spirit is the greatest gift God can offer us.  So let us stand strong, be open to God’s healing presence, pray for and accept His blessings and His strength, and rest in the knowledge that we will no longer suffer when we enter into eternal glory with Him.

Friday, May 17, 2013

If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave you.
St. John Vianney


“Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37 NIV)
There is nothing we can do that God will not forgive.  Jesus gave His life for the forgiveness of all sin.  His love compels Him to forgive every grievance.  Mercy cannot help but flow from His Sacred Heart.  His love for us is greater than we can fathom.  If He can forgive our every sin why can’t we forgive ourselves and others?  With the grace of His Spirit we too can forgive every grievance.  We must choose to love as Jesus loves and forgive as Jesus forgives.  We need to be merciful as Jesus is merciful.  This does not mean that we entertain trouble or invite harm but simply that we forgive and have mercy on ourselves and others so that Jesus can forgive us.  If we harbor unforgiveness in our hearts He cannot forgive us.  So let us forgive so that Jesus may forgive.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May Mary be the star which shines on your path, and may she show you the safe way to reach the heavenly Father.
St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Anxiety and Prayer

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6 NIV)
 Do not worry about anything.  That is easier said than done.  
Worry is a sure sign that we are not trusting in God’s providence.  When we are trusting in His providence we are at peace and we know that in all circumstances His Spirit will bless us with every grace necessary. 
Anxiety is from Satan.  Peace is from God.  Jesus offers us the comfort of His Sacred Heart and asks us to rest in Him and allow Him to carry us to Our Father.  But how do we do that?  By prayer.
Prayer is a conversation with God, one in which we speak and God listens and God speaks and we listen.  It is two-sided.  There is give and take.  When we pray, asking in petition for whatever it is we need with grateful hearts we will be prepared to receive God’s answer to our requests.  His answer will not always be what we desire, but it will be what is best for us. 
Remember that God’s ways are not our ways.  His wisdom exceeds all earthly intelligence.  It is not understood by man.  But in His wisdom He blesses every circumstance so that in every situation His will can be discerned and followed.  When we pray and place all our cares in God’s hands we can be assured that God will bless us.
God the Father listens with tender love to every request we make and answers in His love.  He pours out His love on us like a father embracing His child.  Safety and surety can be found in Him.
If we have a grateful hearts, we will be open to every answer God gives to our prayers.  So let us pray continually, listen continually, give thanks continually and be at peace.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Prayer of the Mentally Ill

I feel a profound need to get this prayer out to those who are struggling with all forms of mental illness.  There are prayers for those who are ill but none written from the perspective of the ill person seeking relief in God.  If you know anyone suffering from mental illness get this to them.  It may help them.
Thank you!

Prayer of the Mentally Ill
Lord, Jesus, I offer You my mental illness and ask You to bless me with the courage and strength I need to endure it patiently with grace. Send forth Your Holy Spirit and grant me clarity of mind so that I do not disparage myself for being ill, but accept my illness and seek appropriate treatment. Lord, let me not be a burden to those who love and care for me. Grant us patience with one another and mutual acceptance. Heavenly Father, hold me in Your arms and keep me safe from all harm and fill me with Your peace. And, Lord, if it is Your will, take this cross from me and bring me complete healing. Amen.
Written by Ann Fitch

Japanese Madonnas

Prayer of the Mentally Ill

Lord, Jesus, I offer You my mental illness and ask You to bless me with the courage and strength I need to endure it patiently and with grace.  Pour forth Your mercy upon me.  Send forth Your Holy Spirit and grant me clarity of mind so that I do not  disparage myself for being ill, but accept my illness and seek appropriate treatment.  Lord, let me not be a burden to those who love and care for me.  Grant us patience with one another and mutual acceptance. Heavenly Father, hold me in Your arms and keep me safe from all harm. Grant me Your peace.  And, Lord, if it is Your will, take this cross from me and bring me complete healing.  Amen.
Written by Ann Fitch
From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!
Blessed Pope John Paul II

Our Words

“To watch over the mouth and tongue is to keep out of trouble.” (Proverbs 21:23 NRSV)
 We can bless with our words and we can hurt with our words both intentionally and unintentionally.  The hard part is being sure that what we are saying will build others up not tear them down in any way.  Once we speak words they can never be taken back.  So, we must choose our words with great care.
Words spoken are rarely forgotten by the person they are spoken to. Harsh, angry, judgmental and hurtful words are almost always remembered.  The question is, what do we want others to remember us uttering – loving, uplifting, and life-giving words or harmful and damaging words?  We must use care and think before we speak.  
A safe way to speak loving words is to prayerfully imagine Jesus speaking through you to Himself in others.  Allow Him to use your words to bless and encourage, to build up and strengthen.  That way you are watching over what you say and you will more than likely keep out of trouble.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.
St. Francis de Sales

Give an Account

“So then each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” (Romans 14:12 NIV)
So many people fear death, but why?  I think it is because they fear eternal punishment from God for their sins.  But, to believe that God would condemn a loving person contradicts who He is, the perfect being who is love and negates the reality that Jesus died and rose from the dead for our salvation.  Yes, there is a hell for those who freely choose it.  But that is not the norm.  Your average person tries to love God and love others as best they can.  
Suppose you were to die right now and you find yourself kneeling before the Father ready to give an account of your life.  He asks you only one question, “How have you allowed me to love you and love myself in others through you?”  Your life begins to play before you.  You are aware of every moment you have allowed God to love through you, as well as, when you did not.  
Let’s just assume that your soul is not ready to enter into heaven and you find yourself in purgatory.  What a blessing because someday you will find yourself being taken into heaven, purified and full of love, peace and joy.  
So, live today as if it were your last day on earth, loving as best you can, yourself and those around you so that if it is your last day you can honestly say to the Father you loved as best as you could.

Monday, May 13, 2013

In Him We Move

“In him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28 NRSV)

We are God's children, created in His image and likeness, designed to love and be loved.  Before we were born God knew us and consecrated us to HImself.  We were baptized into His Church and entered into new life with Jesus, Our Father, and their Holy Spirit.  In this new life, we live and move and have our being.  We are called to obey God's commands so that we can remain in Him and He can remain in us.  To love is His greatest command.  When we love, God's love flows forth from us touching, healing, and blessing others.  When we allow God to love through us His love pours forth bringing peace and joy.  May we let our very beings be consumed by God's love bringing us peace and joy beyond our understanding.  May we always remain in God's love.