Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Go to Jesus

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28)
I believe that Jesus calls to our hearts saying, “Come to Me.  Come to Me in prayer.  Come to Me in song.  Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament.  Come to Me in Reconciliation.  Come to Me in Eucharist.  Come to Me at all times for I wait patiently for you to turn your eyes, ears, heart, mind, and soul to Me.”  And, when we come to Jesus, He blesses us with the fullness of His love.  When we come to Him, He pours forth His mercy upon us.  When we come to Jesus, He opens His Heart to us and embraces us.  Only by resting in Him can we truly be refreshed and renewed.  Only in Jesus can we find peace for our weary souls.  And, as we rest in Jesus’ love, He fortifies us and grants us every grace we need to be sustained in joy.  So let’s go to Him and discover true rest.
Dear Jesus, may I always come to You when I am burdened.  I know that only in You can I find true peace and true rest for my heart, mind, and soul.  Thank You for Your love.  Thank You for Your peace.  Amen.

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