Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Do Not Judge

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.”  (Luke 6:37 NIV)
This is so simple, yet so hard.  Jesus tells us not to judge because if we do we too will be judges, but by Him.  We shouldn’t judge in our minds, with our words, or with our actions.  Perhaps every time we are tempted to judge we could offer up this simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, change my heart and mind.  Help me see You in this person and love them.
By offering this little prayer our hearts and minds will be redirected and we will avoid the near occasion of sin.  May we be a blessing to ourselves and to others by simply loving and accepting all we meet without judgment.
Jesus, I ask for the ability to see You in every person and not judge anyone in any way.  Help me to be a person of love and kindness.  Thank You.  Amen.

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