Sunday, June 30, 2013

God has Done Great Things

"Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24)

God has indeed done great things for us.  He has given us life, loved ones, gifts and talents, His love and mercy, His very life.  God has given us everything out of His love for us.

All He asks of us in return is to be faithful to Him, to His teachings, to His Church.  We need not fear Him, instead we should fear being separated from Him by sin.  Sin darkens our souls and muddles our minds so that we cannot ascertain God's will for us.  When our souls are doused in sin they cannot recognize God's love and presence as easily as when they are pure from sin.

May we remain as pure as we can so that we can recognize God when He calls to us, trust in Him fully, and know that He will always be faithful to loving us all the days of our lives.


Lord, You have given me everything that I need.  Thank You for Your love, forgiveness and mercy.  Thank You for my loved ones and for every gift You have given me.  Help me to be pure so that I can hear You when You call to me and do as You will.  Amen.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Isaiah 26:4

Turn to God

"Return to me, and I will return to you", says the Lord Almighty. (Malachi 3:7)

God always calls to us.  He always blesses and loves us.  He desires for every heart and soul to know the depth and breadth of His love for them.  God pursues those encumbered by sin, chasing after them and pouring forth His mercy upon them.  He constantly prompts them to stop and acknowledge His presence within them.  Some return to Him faithfully.  Some continue to turn away believing what they will.  And others have yet to learn of Him and His love for them.  
We should be beacons of love and hope, working diligently for the salvation of souls.  All that we offer God benefits the souls He is pursuing.  If we offer Him all that we are, all that we do, all that we suffer He will bless our offerings and use them to benefit the souls in need.

If we only knew how much God loves us.  He does not condemn us for our thoughts or actions.  Instead, He loves us in our brokenness and calls us back into the fullness of His love.  He abandons no one.  All of us are precious to Him and He desires for each one of us to know the fullness of His forgiveness, mercy, and love.  God wants all of His people to know Him, live in Him, and embrace His love for them.  He is never far from us.  He lives and moves and has My being within each Baptized soul.  His Spirit moves within us, prompting us to do that which is right and just, to turn from sin and back to grace.  

God loves everyone - even the most hardened soul.  He wishes for none to be lost.  We need to pray for all souls, be a blessing to everyone we encounter, and allow God's love to be evident in the way we live our lives so that others are drawn to Him and to His love.  


Lord, I wish for all souls to turn to You and know Your love.  Accept all that I offer to You for the souls in most need.  Thank You for always loving me and guiding me in Your Spirit.  Amen.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Heed Correction

"Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise." (Proverbs 15:31)

Correction is necessary.  No soul today walks in perfection.  All are tainted by sin.  Many strive for perfection and in so doing seek advice from those who are wise and holy.  They seek understanding and direction.  They seek the help and correction they need to move more fully in unison with God.  They lay out their thought patterns and behaviors so they can be lovingly corrected and in so doing they gain insight into why they think and behave as they do.  They get advice on how to change their behaviors to those that are virtuous and life giving.  The best places for this are in Reconciliation or during a meeting with a spiritual director.

We should seek direction, correction, understanding and wisdom.  A spiritual director or confessor can help us walk the road to perfection - the road to heaven where one day our souls shall be perfected in the fullness of God's love.

Lord, help me to desire correction and wisdom.  I wish to walk more fully in unison with You.  Help me be completely honest with my confessor or spiritual director so he can guide me in Your ways and help me live a more virtuous life.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee.
Pope Leo XIII

Thursday, June 27, 2013

God’s Grace

“My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Sometimes we try to live our lives outside grace.  We want peace and joy but find ourselves anxious and disturbed.  We struggle to find our way but everything is difficult for us.  We try to do all on our own without inviting God into our lives.  Life becomes a constant struggle as we place others and our work before God.Outside God’s grace we flounder.
If we only realized that when we are weakest God is strongest we would seek to be weak and small in His sight.  It is in our weakness that God moves in power and might.  It is precisely at our weakest moment that God is there to bless us with His love and mercy, to fill us with His grace.
God’s grace is truly all we need.  His grace directs and perfects us.  His grace leads us to His love and the fullness of His mercy.  God’s grace blesses us with the power of His Spirit.  God’s grace strengthens and fortifies us with courage.God’s grace fills us with every good gift.  His grace is all we need to have peace and joy.  May we live in God’s grace.
Dear Lord, I wish to walk always in Your grace.  Send Your Spirit upon me to remind me to place everything I attempt in Your hands.  Outside You I can do nothing, but in Your grace I am strong and able.  Help me to turn to You when I am weak so that Your strength may be manifest in me.  Amen.

We do not hesitate to declare that devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the most effective school of the love of God, We say, which must be the foundation on which to build the kingdom of God in the hearts of individuals, families, and nations.

Pope Pious XII

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Go to Jesus

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28)
I believe that Jesus calls to our hearts saying, “Come to Me.  Come to Me in prayer.  Come to Me in song.  Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament.  Come to Me in Reconciliation.  Come to Me in Eucharist.  Come to Me at all times for I wait patiently for you to turn your eyes, ears, heart, mind, and soul to Me.”  And, when we come to Jesus, He blesses us with the fullness of His love.  When we come to Him, He pours forth His mercy upon us.  When we come to Jesus, He opens His Heart to us and embraces us.  Only by resting in Him can we truly be refreshed and renewed.  Only in Jesus can we find peace for our weary souls.  And, as we rest in Jesus’ love, He fortifies us and grants us every grace we need to be sustained in joy.  So let’s go to Him and discover true rest.
Dear Jesus, may I always come to You when I am burdened.  I know that only in You can I find true peace and true rest for my heart, mind, and soul.  Thank You for Your love.  Thank You for Your peace.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” (Psalm 94:19)
When our hearts are heavy with the weight of our cares Jesus consoles us.  He directs us to scripture, sends compliments through loved ones, fills our hearts with inspired song, blesses us with the peace and joy of His Spirit, fills us with feelings of love, acceptance and understanding, inspires us to read holy books, leads us to prayers that bless us and so on.  He never leaves us burdened.  He hears the cries of our hearts, minds and souls and pours out His love and mercy upon us.  Jesus offers us the safety of His Heart.  All we have to do is accept the consolations He sends us with joyful thanksgiving.
Jesus, thank You for all the ways in which You console me.  I am so grateful for Your love and care.  Help me to allow You to take my burdens and accept Your peace and joy.  Amen.
In the Sacred Heart every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that Divine Heart beats God's infinite love for everyone, for each one of us individually.

Blessed Pope John Paul II

Monday, June 24, 2013

Love and Mercy

“God, have mercy on me a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)
Jesus’ love and mercy are greater than any sin we could ever commit.  His love compelled Him to forgive every sin that would ever be committed. His mercy compels Him to wash every sinner who seeks His forgiveness clean.  
No one deserves Jesus’ love or mercy, but He gives both to every soul who seeks Him.  It is His love that pursues every sinner relentlessly.  Jesus wishes to draw all people into His love and He pursues all souls pouring out His mercy on them until they recognize His love for them.  He wishes to lose no one to the evil one.
We need to realize that everyone who calls upon Jesus for mercy is helped - no one is left unaided.  Jesus pours forth His mercy freely and abundantly.  He died in an act of love and mercy and now lives to bless with His love and mercy for all eternity.  Allow His love and mercy to wash over you and fill you with peace and joy.
Merciful Jesus, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for dying for the forgiveness of my sins.  Thank You for pouring Your love and mercy out on me.  Fill me with Your peace and joy.  Amen.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Love One Another

“Let us love one another, because love is from God.” (1 John 4:7)
Jesus tells us to love one another.  He asks us to place the needs of others above our own and desire what is best for one another.  It is when we love one another that His love flows forth from our hearts manifesting itself for all the world to see.  It is His love pouring forth from us that will draw hearts to Him.  We know that it is His desire that not one soul be lost.  May we love deeply, and fully and allow Jesus to bless through us.
Lord, I know that You are love itself.  May I not only love You, but may I allow You to love others through me at all times.  Help me to love fully and deeply as You do.  Amen.
Go to the Heart of Jesus and draw from it, and when you need more, go back to the Source and draw again.  
St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

Saturday, June 22, 2013


“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV)
Sometimes we must make a decision to give quickly, but most of the time we have time to prayerfully decide to whom we will give and how much we will give.  As we pray, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten us and guide us.  We may be astonished by what we are prompted to give, but if we are faithful we will have the gift and then some. 
I believe that Jesus must have a special love for the homeless and disenfranchised.  They need water, food and shelter.  They need help to maintain a job for their livelihood.  Many don’t want help.  These men and women want to remain homeless.  They want money or food but no other help. 
Then there are those who don’t know what help is available.  Maybe we could create a list of clinics, shelters, food banks and places where these men and women can get job training and keep it with us along with small bags of water, food and needed sundries and give these out when a need arises.   Maybe having information about where help can be found will help them them turn their life around, and help them find direction and purpose.  Every person deserves to feel loved and needed.  Perhaps with new purpose some of these men and women will rediscover love around them and love for themselves. 
May we give generously, prayerfully and joyfully. 
Lord, help me give generously, prayerfully and joyfully.  You have given me so much and I am so grateful.  Help me to give as if I am giving to You and never seek anything in return.  Amen.

Do not let the past disturb you, just leave everything in the Sacred Heart, and begin again.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love Thee ever more and more.
Pope Pious IX

Friday, June 21, 2013

Quiet Time

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 5:36)
Every day brings with it constant noise and business.  But in order to establish peace in our lives we need to take time each day to come away with Jesus and just sit quietly with Him.  We need to dedicate a few minutes to just quietly listening to His voice within.  If we take time out of our busy lives and rest quietly with Jesus we will allow Him to refresh and restore us and fill us with His peace.  If we will give Him this quiet time alone with Him, He will bless us immensely.  He will fill us to overflowing with His love and establish His peace within us.  So let us come away with Jesus to a quiet place and find rest for our hearts, minds, and souls each day.
Dear Jesus, help me to find time each day to rest in You and be refreshed and restored by You.  Help me to choose to place You and time with You before everything else in my life.  I love You and wish to quietly listen to Your voice within me.  Amen.

by Ann Fitch

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jesus Came for Sinners

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”  (Mark 2:17 ESV)
Jesus came to call all people to His Father.  None are without sin.  Everyone sins.  It’s just that the righteous choose to live their lives in obedience to God’s will and seek to walk in grace.  They sin, but they are aware of the immensity of Jesus’ love and the depth of His mercy and seek Him regularly through prayer and forgiveness.
The unrighteous may have known Jesus’ love at some point but they have chosen sinful lives over lives of virtue and grace.  They choose to walk in darkness.  They are precisely the ones Jesus pursues tirelessly with His love, mercy and forgiveness.
We should pray for all those who are far from God and love them no matter what they have said or done.  At some point we may have been the ones who were far from God and afraid that we were too sinful for His love and forgiveness.  We may have been the ones living immersed in sin.  We may now choose grace and virtue, but that may not have always been the case.
Jesus calls us to be loving and forgiving of ourselves and others, to lead people to Him through our prayers and actions.  If we let His presence within us shine brightly, maybe others will be drawn to Him.  If we let the Holy Spirit move within us maybe those who encounter us will question some of their choices and begin to seek grace.  Maybe, just maybe, they will see Jesus within us if we love unconditionally and be drawn back into the fullness of His love.  May we be His instruments of love.
Jesus, I know You came for all sinners and I am so grateful for Your mercy, love and forgiveness.  May those who are far from You choose to turn to You and seek Your forgiveness and healing love.  May they choose virtue over vice and become Your living presence in the world.  Amen.
O holy Heart of Jesus, dwell hidden in my heart, so that I may live only in you and only for you, so that, in the end, I may live with you eternally in heaven. Amen.
St. Claude de la Colombiere

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Do Not Judge

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.”  (Luke 6:37 NIV)
This is so simple, yet so hard.  Jesus tells us not to judge because if we do we too will be judges, but by Him.  We shouldn’t judge in our minds, with our words, or with our actions.  Perhaps every time we are tempted to judge we could offer up this simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, change my heart and mind.  Help me see You in this person and love them.
By offering this little prayer our hearts and minds will be redirected and we will avoid the near occasion of sin.  May we be a blessing to ourselves and to others by simply loving and accepting all we meet without judgment.
Jesus, I ask for the ability to see You in every person and not judge anyone in any way.  Help me to be a person of love and kindness.  Thank You.  Amen.
May the Heart of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved with great affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time.
Pope Pious IX

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Love and Pray

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”  (Matthew 5:44 NIV)
To love those who do harm to us or those we love is not easy.  To pray for those who afflict, torment, badger, or annoy us or those we love is not easy either.  But, Jesus calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  He calls us to love everyone - completely.  He calls us to be life giving to one another to look beyond the attitudes and actions of our enemies and see their hearts and souls.  
Jesus asks us to pray in all circumstances, to lift our hearts in prayer for those who persecute us.  Because if our eyes are lifted in prayer, our eyes are not focused on our enemies’ actions or how they affect us or our loved ones but rather on how we can bless them and be examples of love and mercy for them.  If we firmly fix our eyes on Jesus and ask Him to bless and transform our enemies we will start to see Him within them and find we are not annoyed by them but at peace in Christ.
Jesus is in every person and there in every situation.  He is there waiting for us to recognize His presence and give Him thanks.  He loves all people and so must we.  Love is not befriending, love is wanting what is best for another and placing others before ourselves in Christ.  Love is a decision, an act of will.  It at times requires pain and sacrifice.  But to love is to live in Christ and for Him to live in and through us.  May we love as He loves.
Lord Jesus, You call me to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me.  I ask for the ability to love them as You love them and for Your peace in my heart.  Help me to keep My eyes on You and Your presence in every situation so that I can continually give You thanks and praise.  Bless me and those who desire to harm me or those I love.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

Monday, June 17, 2013

God Blesses the Brokenhearted

“The Lord is near the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.”  (Psalm 34:18)
I believe that the brokenhearted hold a special place in Jesus’ Heart.  I believe that He embraces them in their pain and places them in the confines of His Sacred Heart to bring them relief, peace, and healing.  It is there within the safety of Jesus’ Heart that they can begin the process of grieving, forgiving, and living a life of love and joy once more.  
In Jesus’ Sacred Heart the brokenhearted can assess their lives, their loves, and their choices.  There they learn to see Jesus more clearly in themselves and in those around them.  As they heal and begin to give their hearts again they give them with a new wisdom, the wisdom that Jesus is loving in them and through them.  And, can they rest in the knowledge that they are never alone.  Jesus is with them and will guide their love with His Spirit of truth and bless them as they step out in renewed faith and hope.  
It is Jesus’ joy to bring healing to the brokenhearted, relief to the struggling, and hope to the hopeless.  Every one of His brothers and sisters who is in need will find Him nearer to them than their very breath.  He loves all of His brothers and sisters and wishes love and peace for them.  All they need to do is reach out and He will embrace them and give them every grace they need to live their lives fully and joyfully.
Jesus, You came to bring healing to the brokenhearted.  Touch every heart that is broken and fill it with Your peace and love.  Grant the struggling Your strength, the hurting Your healing, and the hopeless Your hope.  Thank you, Lord.  Amen.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father’s Love

“See what love God has given us; that we should be called children of God.”(1 John 3:1)
We are God’s children.  He has claimed us through Baptism and established His dwelling place within us.  He has known and loved us since the creation of time.  God, the Father, knew us before we were born into this world.  He adopted us as His sons and daughters and carries us within His heart.  He loves us.  That is unfathomable but our Father asks us to believe in His complete love for us.  He blesses us continually with His love and wants us to rest in His love and kindness.  His heart rejoices when we know with all certainty in our hearts, minds and souls that He loves us beyond all measure.  May we rest in the knowledge that we are His precious children and have peace in our hearts, minds and souls.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me as Your child.  May I always turn to You when I need a Father’s love and understanding.  May I rest in Your presence and be at peace.  I love You.  Amen.
The Sacred Heart of Christ is an inexhaustible fountain and its sole desire is to pour itself out into the hearts of the humble so as to free them and prepare them to lead lives according to his good pleasure.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saturday, June 15, 2013


“And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” (Luke 12:25)
Really, can any of us add a single moment to our lives by worrying?  No we can’t.  So, why worry?  
When we worry our hearts and minds are not focused on God’s will for you but instead on our plans for our life.  We are absorbed in how we would resolve issues not on embracing God’s plan for us.  
Worry is a distraction from truth.  It leads the soul astray and pulls the soul into darkness.  God asks us not to worry and instead trust in His goodness and in His plans for our lives.  
No matter the circumstances of your life, God wishes peace for you.  When you are overwhelmed give Him your concerns, your fears, your will and He will bless you with His love.  He will unburden you, fill you with the gifts of His Spirit, and lead you to a place of peace and understanding.  Do not fight His will for your life.  Embrace His will and rest safely in His arms.
Heavenly Father, I want to be free of worrying.  I give You all my plans and all my desires.  Help me to accept Your will for me and allow myself to rest in Your love.  Thank You for the peace You offer me.  I love You.  Amen. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Hearts

“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”(Ezekiel 36:26)
When we encounter Jesus with an open heart He can create within us a new heart - one that desires only to do Our Father’s will.  He can give us a new spirit inspired by His Spirit – one that listens to His gentle urgings within and moves with wisdom.
Blessed are those who have faithfully followed Jesus with hearts of love since their youth.  Blessed too are those who discover or rediscover Him later in their lives and begin anew to live guided by His love.
It is Jesus’ joy to bless and recreate the hearts of His people.  It gives Him profound joy to help turn sinful hearts back to His Father in faithful service.  He loves to love us and bless us with His mercy transforming us with His very presence within.
Dear Jesus, I give You my heart.  Recreate it and fill it with Your love.  Transform me and use me as an instrument of Your love.  May I always listen to You speaking within my heart and find peace in You.  Amen.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Have No Fear

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.” (Isaiah 41:10)
God tells us to never fear because He is always with us.  He doesn’t want us to let our hearts and minds be troubled.  He wants us to give everything to Him and have peace.  It is His joy to bless us with His Spirit and strengthen us with His love.  He cannot help but pour out His mercy upon us because He loves us and we are precious to Him.
Satan would love for us to walk in fear and discouragement.  But, don’t be fooled.  He is a liar and a cheat.  The only truth about him is that he is the king of deceit.  
When we are tempted to fear we need to turn to God and give Him the temptation so He can bless us with courage and fortitude.  He will strengthen us with His Spirit, we will find peace, and Satan will flee from us.  When we begin to feel discouraged turn to God and He will bless us with His love and we will find rest in His Heart which waits to embrace us.
Heavenly Father, may I fear nothing for You are with me.  Help me to rest in Your love and allow Your mercy to permeate my being.  I love You and thank You for Your constant presence in my life.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What Does the Religious Habit Mean to Me?

What Does the Religious Habit Mean to Me? Sr. Mary Blanche, O.S.B.
Many Years ago, I was blessed to visit some sisters and I was given a paper, “What Does the Religious Habit Mean to Me?”, and I find it as beautiful today as the day I was given it.  Let me share it with you here.
What Does the Religious Habit Mean to Me?  Sr. Mary Blanche, O.S.B.
The Religious Habit is a sign of my consecration, dedication, commitment, and of God’s call for me.
The Religious Habit is a sign of God’s presence to me and a symbol of my faith in God and His promises to His chosen ones who are faithful.  It sustains and strengthens my hope in Christ’s promises to those who leave all and follow Him.
The Religious Habit is a symbol of my love for Christ in choosing me as His bride and my response to His loving call.
The Religious Habit is an immediate sign and symbol of my witness to the People of God whom I serve in Christ.
The Religious Habit is a continual reminder to me to take up my cross daily in following Christ - indicating that I am in the world but not of it.
The Religious Habit daily reminds me of my need for penance and mortification in aspiring for sanctification and the part that prayer and sacrifice should have in my life.
The Religious Habit is a sign and symbol of me dedication in obedience, poverty, and chastity, and a daily reminder of the example my life should be as inspiration for my bretheren and the laity.
The Religious Habit indicates that I do not belong to myself but to God, and continually reminds me of God’s love for me and that my love for Him should be the concern of my every moment of my life.
The Religious Habit is a garment which helps to insure the practice of modesty and strengthens one against temptation and sin.
The Religious Habit is a garment, shield, sign, and symbol that should help foster and develop a great freedom in the life of a religious - a freedom in both the spiritual and temporal world - a freedom from all earthly entanglements - a freedom to be unhampered in one’s flight to God.
The main purpose then of the Religious Habit then is to express and protect the Sacred character of a Religious Woman, to strengthen her in her daily striving for perfection, and to be a continual reminder of Whom she is a Spouse and to Whom she belongs.
The Religious Habit also protects and engenders respect.
The Religious Habit is never out of style.
The Religious Habit also encourages vocations.

Be Wise

“Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.” (Proverbs 12:16)
It is true that the foolish show their annoyance at the smallest things immediately.  They make known their displeasure and judge.  They can condemn others quickly and without thought.  Their annoyance becomes anger and frustration which forms a vicious cycle. 
The wise man does not judge or condemn.  The wise man does not allow his peace to be disturbed.  Petty annoyances are not a source of anger or frustration.  When insulted and attacked the wise man turns his mind and heart to God and finds the courage and strength to bear all patiently with love and peace.  He unites His suffering to Jesus’ for the benefit of souls.
May we be like the wise man and give every annoyance, every petty problem or insult to God and allow Him to bless us with His peace. 
Jesus, help me to be wise and not be annoyed easily.  Help me to take everything that annoys me and offer it to You for an increase in patience and wisdom and for the soul in most need of Your mercy.  Bless me with Your peace.  Amen.
In my heart there is blind trust in the Sacred Heart.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be Just

“And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
This statement is so simple and yet so hard to live.  We desire mercy and yet we frequently do not have mercy on ourselves and others.  Instead of seeking to be humble we sometimes strive to be first, to be the best, to in essence rule in our workplace or families.  
If we were to really encounter the justice of God we would cower in utter fear and cringe at the punishments we deserve for our sins and offenses.  But our God is a God of mercy and love, not of punishment and wrath.  He knows our weaknesses and sends His Spirit to strengthen us and lead us in His ways.  He knows we will fall short of being just and sent His Son for the forgiveness of our sins and the eternal salvation of our souls.
The Lord wants to strip away our arrogance and replace it with humble submission.  He wants us to submit all of who we are to Him so that He can radiate out from within us.  He wishes to be so evident in our lives that no one will question Who it is that lives within us.  If we submit everything to God, He will bless us with His love and peace.
To truly be just is to walk in faith and love sharing God’s goodness with all and by so doing lead others to God’s infinite love.  To be is just to walk as sinlessly as possible, to be as pure in heart as we can be.  For when we are just, love and mercy fill us to overflowing and thus flow out from us onto others.  May we walk humbly in love and mercy and be just in the eyes of God.
Lord, strip me of my arrogance and bless me with a humble and contrite heart.  Send Your Spirit to lead me to fullness of grace so that I can be Your living presence in the world.  Bless me with Your love and mercy and guide me always in Your truth.  Amen.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart

Monday, June 10, 2013

Love All - rich or poor

“Live in harmony with one another.  Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.  Do not be conceited.” (Romans 12:16)
God calls us to be at peace with one another, to live in harmony, to accept people of all social positions because no one class is better than another.  God loves all His people equally - rich or poor.
Everyone is called to love as God loves, completely and without condition.  Love has no requirements it just is.  Just as God gives His love to us, we are to give His love to others.
Earthly riches do not determine the quality of the heart and soul.  Grace does.  Earthly riches are wonderful and a blessing to be shared freely since they were freely given.
No one should be conceited because no one is greater than God Who humbled Himself to become man and died a gruesome death for the forgiveness of sins.  He had only the riches in His Heart.  Therefore, we should seek riches in our hearts, humble ourselves, and love all equally.  
Heavenly Father, may I love all Your children no matter their state in life.  May I accept each person and see Your presence within them.  May I never be conceited and humbly love as You love.  Amen.
May the heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.
Pope Leo XII

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Be Reconciled

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
Every sin, great or small, leads to the soul being darkened, the mind being muddled, and the heart becoming fearful.  The more frequently we sin the greater the darkness, confusion, and fear.
But Jesus has overcome all this.  He has given Himself on the cross for the forgiveness of our every sin.  He has given us the sacrament of Reconciliation and through the priest He listens, blesses, forgives and heals us of our sins and bring us to renewed life in the light of His Spirit.  
The more frequently we come to Jesus in Reconciliation the more He blesses us with the fullness of His love.  He frees us from the guilt and shame we carry and allows us to rest in His mercy.  In Reconciliation He blesses us with His grace and His mercy.  He calls us back into His love and grants us unbounded peace.  
Jesus came to save sinners.  He came to save each one of us.  May we allow Him to cleanse our sous and prepare us to be with Him forever in heaven through the sacrament of Reconciliation.  He waits there patiently for us to come to Him and find freedom and peace.
Lord may I come to You frequently in the sacrament of Reconciliation.  May I encounter You there and be filled with Your love and forgiveness.  Help me to turn from sin and walk in grace.  Amen.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Saturday, June 8, 2013

No Perversity

“Keep your mouth free of perversity, keep corrupt talk far from your lips.”(Proverbs 4:24)
So many of us use profane language, and frequently.  It is habitual.  It comes from what is stored in our hearts and minds.  We need to rid our hearts and minds of perverse language and choose words that are life-giving, that are a blessing to ourselves and others.  
If we offer our temptations to speak profanely to Jesus, He will pour out His Spirit upon us, strengthen us, and lead us to holy words.  And if we should you fall - we should immediately seek His forgiveness and forgive ourselves.  We shouldn’t allow Satan to play games with our hearts and minds.  If we bring the habit of cussing to Jesus in Reconciliation He will bless us with His full forgiveness and fill us with the grace and strength we need to break the habit.  
The habit of using foul language can be broken but it takes effort and commitment. In time we will find we curse less and less until it’s a past habit that no longer defiles us.  Jesus’ grace and strength are what we need.  So let us embrace them and allow Jesus’ Spirit to fill us with words that edify and bring peace.  May we allow the sacrament of Reconciliation to be a place of healing and transformation for us. 
Lord, I wish to rid myself of the habit of cussing.  Help me turn to You before I speak and bless me with words that are right and good.  Help me to use my words for Your honor and glory.  Amen.

His hands are outstretched ready to embrace me - and His Sacred Heart completely open that I can enter in - for you for me and for every soul - which loves and desires to be loved.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Friday, June 7, 2013

God is with Us

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Not only does Jesus go before us, He goes with us wherever we go.  He never leaves us alone.  It is His joy to be with those He loves, blessing them, guiding them, leading them to the Father’s will.  He never abandons His people nor turns His heart from them, but His people do turn away from His love and abandon Him.  That must grieve His heart - to fully love His people and receive nothing in return from some.  Yet, I believe He pursues the ones who have turned away from Him with greater love so that they will turn back to Him and find true joy.  
Jesus pours forth His love and mercy upon all His brothers and sisters, especially when they are discouraged or afraid.  His Spirit of power and might is within each - moving, blessing, touching deeply.  He calls us to hope in Him and His promise of eternal salvation and not be discouraged by our daily struggles.  He calls each one of us to trust in Him and have no fear - and, if we do have fear to turn to Him, run into His open arms and allow Him to carry us within His most Sacred Heart, and there find quiet peace and joy.  
We are loved.  We are blessed.  And, we are precious to God.  He will never abandon us - He promised and we can believe that to be true.
Jesus, thank You for always loving me, for being with me every moment of every day.  Bless me and lead me to Our Father’s will for me.  Help me never to fear or be discouraged.  May I always turn to You and find rest in Your loving arms.  Thank You, for Your love.  Amen.

When we recommend devotion to the Sacred Heart, we are recommending that we should give our whole self to Jesus, to the whole Jesus — our soul, our feelings and thoughts, our words and actions, our joys. 
St. Josemaria Escriva

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Inward Beauty

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” (1 Peter 3:3)
There is beauty all around us.  The beauty of all God has created is marvelous indeed.  To recognize it is to recognize and appreciate the infinite creative power of God.  Every person has a unique beauty outwardly and inwardly, but it is the inward beauty God focuses on - the beauty of the soul. 
There is nothing wrong with putting yourself together and looking nice.  There is nothing wrong with having beautiful hair, clothing or jewelry.  It just shouldn’t be our focus.  Our focus should be the same as God’s - the beauty of the soul.
There is something so beautiful about a soul purified of sin that walks in grace.  A quiet, gentle spirit focused on loving God and being loved by Him, that is so small that God’s love shines through is incredibly beautiful.  A soul that has the innocence of a child and always wants to love all simply and humbly is a rare beauty indeed and worth so much in the sight of God.  It is just such a soul we should desire to be - a soul that attracts others to God’s love simply by it’s example.
Heavenly Father, I desire to have a soul that pleases You and is beautiful in Your eyes.  Help me to do Your will and always focus on loving You as best I can in myself and in others.  Bless my soul with your peace and Your love.  Grant me the grace to always seek You first above all things.  I love You.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
I believe that when we go to confess our sins we are called to enter the sacrament with quiet, humble hearts because it is Jesus we are encountering through the priest.  The priest’s ears are Christ’s, His eyes are Christ’s, and His words are Christ’s that have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.  
In Reconciliation, we should truly humble ourselves and allow our hearts, minds and souls to be cleansed of every sin we have committed.   We should confess all, keeping nothing hidden, so that through absolution we can receive the fullness of God’s forgiving love and grace.  For when we walk in purity and grace, God’s love radiates out from us and others are drawn to God.  
Let’s frequent the great sacrament of Reconciliation so that we can be more closely united with Christ and so He can move with power and majesty in our lives.  
Dear Lord, I ask for the desire to frequent Reconciliation with a humble and quiet heart.  Help me to realize it is You I encounter in this sacrament.  Help me to open my heart and confess all my sins so that I can receive Your forgiveness.  Thank You, for Your love.  Amen.